Sunday, September 26, 2010

In the meantime

The highlight of my week were the great meetings I had between Wednesday at noon and Thursday at noon.

My first appointment on Wednesday at noon was successful. Before arriving, however, I had another run-in with NY MTA. I went to Google maps and typed in the address for directions to my two interviews. To ensure I went the most precise route, I went to the NY MTA website. Using those directions I went to wait for the public transit. I was waiting for the "NY commuter train." Surprisingly, it was a real train.... I was nervous because I had a ticket for the subway but I thought, be bold and just get on. I get on the train and the security guard asks for my ticket. Of course, not the right ticket. He said he would give me a ticket and I could pay the city later. Praise God - the train came to my stop. The man had not come. So I blended into the crowd and made my way to the interview. Karma hit me. I got lost and end up being 15 minutes late to the interview.

Fortunately, the office of City Councilmember Gale Brewer was warm and welcoming
She represents the Upper West Side. When I start working there, I will be part of the legislative/budgeting sector and the housing development department!

After that interview, I safely and quickly made my way to the Gap on 5th Avenue for my next interview. It also went extremely well! I'll be working in the Men's store of the Gap on 5th Avenue. So come and visit!

On Thursday morning, I met with the African American Studies department chair at Fordham University. After talking about the unique and untold history of the Bronx, I decided to focus this semester's research on the neighborhood. I will be investigating the different housing developments that have (or have not emerged) for low-income families after the 1970's city fires.

Since I'll be studying my surrounding community, I plan to intern at an agency that aims to solves the Bronx housing development issues. The Women's Housing and Economic Development Corporation works directly with the people and provides usable and tangible resources. I'm interviewing there this week... Wish me luck!

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